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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    DeathKnight application!


    DeathKnight application! Empty DeathKnight application!

    Post  Horvarth Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:23 am

    -First name: Lars Degn Sørensen
    -Age: 24
    -Country: Denmark
    -Work and education: Chef and Firefighter

    - Character name:

    In game: Horvarth

    - Write a bit about your game exsperiences, how long you have played, what you like about the game and what you like to do in your game time:
    I started at WoW in the middel of TBC with my first char "Warlock" got it to lvl 70 and pvped all day, when i had full Merciless/vengefull gear one of my frineds told me that there where something called Raid instances.. and i was like OMG! i just want to kill ppl leave me alone, but it ended up that i raided Karazan. then like 2 months befor WOTLK i started lvl a Druid and got it to lvl 80 like 2-3 weeks after release of WOTLK i started out pvp again as moonkin, i went bad and i mean really bad. then i went to to find guidence but there where none, then i saw a raid movie with a Feral cat dps and i was like omg BIG FUCKING CRITS, i belive it or not i satarted gettin lvl 200 gear so i could get into Naxx, and after that time went as feral tank/dps, then i started lvl a DK and here we are in Cata

    - A bit about yourself as a person: Im a werry carm person, not really the emo type when a raid die, I play LoL "League of Legends" Black ops and Battlefield Bad Company 2.

    - What you can bring to this guild: A werry social person that i ready to fill out a missing spot in a Raid or pvp grp.

    - Will you attend our events like old content and PvP?: Ofc.

    - Will you allways act maturely, politely and friendly regardless of you how other players are trying to be assholes, and just ignore them?: Well as we say, An Asshat is a Asshat, dont get fooled by him, then u just end at his lvl.

    - Will you allways make sure to represent our guild well, by not capsing, spamming or ninjaing ect? Ninjas must die?


    - How many chars do you have and what level? I have quite alot, i have DK(85), Warlock(83), Druid(80), Rogue(80), low lvl Warrior(54) and Hunter(19)

    - Are you able to use the internet rather than asking stupid questions in guild chat? Goodle is your friend? enugh said? Razz

    - Will you accept to never ask for gold in guild? Beggers must die unless its a werry good friend thats in the need.

    - Please write a short story about your character, making an RP story about some adventure, or such. This story has to include some lore/lore event that once happend. Fx War of the Acients or Opening of the Dark Portal. (Minimum half a page, this is to both to show that you are familiar with the game, but also an English test).

    Well im abit the a bad spot about the RP lore, but ill give it a try after my best skill Razz

    There we where, Surrounded by the alliance outnumbering our 25man raid by atleast a handfull!, The quiet befor the Thundering storm! just wating for the first blow and blood spilled on the earth or Northrend!
    Then out of nothing "Server Shutdown" The one so silent ventrilo sever, went into a rageout, ppl trying to log back into the server, it was no use the server was down for 10-15min, then we got back in the server with no raid up ppl lost, i was a massakre Alliance vs. The Horde every man for himself the meaningless fight lasted for 20min, then out of nowhere a swarm Horde can onto the battle field and cleaned the Alliance scum from the face of the earth, the ones so great battle had turned out to one big gank fest where on leving could survive, Then out of nowhere out Guild master Yelled ICC is open get in here guys!! a massive rush to the gate of ICC had begun, 20mins later every1 was in ICC and we could begin our quest downning the 4 first bosses of ICC and we completed our quest at the end of evning.

    The end

    I know its crap just took a peace of my gaming experiance and used it Smile

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:15 am