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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    mage app kazukaya


    mage app kazukaya Empty mage app kazukaya

    Post  heiwire Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:32 am


    -Name: Benjamin Olsen
    -Country: Denmark
    -Age: 18
    -Education and current activity: currently im studying
    -Sparetime: being with my friends that i live with and playing a lot of wow
    -GF? If yes, does she accept WoW?: dont have one atm and probs gonna take a while to get back to love as i rather play these days

    In game:

    Name: Kazukaya
    -Talent; mainspec/offspec: Fire main speced aint got a arcane offspec atm wich will be changed to frost when ever i start raiding for kiteing ect

    -./played: got 31 days on the char im applying with but got a priest with 120days played wich was my part tbc main during bt and sunwell and a warrior with around 100 days played wich was my vanilla main and into tbc

    -Are you fully gemmed and enchanted? yea im fulled gemmed and enchanted all the way

    -Professions: got herb and tailoring
    -Screenshot of your interface: im running duelscreen so dont bother the other half of the picture

    -PvE progression for Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, and Cataclysm: didnt raid during vanilla. in tbc i cleared everything upto KJ and got him to 23% wotlk i cleared everything up to lichking normal and did alot of hard modes like ulduar achives for drake ect during the time ulduar was the raid to go to also done no wipes in ToC 10man heroic. cata i done 3/4 in BoT and 1/2 in To4W
    -PvP xp?: havent really pvped much since tbc so wouldent say im any experinced in pvp at all these days
    -Ventrilo?: got it installed al useing it when ever its req fx for raiding
    -Acitvity: Can you attend 4 days a week, sunday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday 18.55 to 23.00? If not, how often can you attend than? can raid sunday tuesday and wednesday.thursday is my RL night where i play in this pipeband wich i done long before i started wow
    -Priority; How high do you priority the raids in WoW over things IRL?: if im signed for a raid it got prio over everything else unless some one dies =)
    -What do you do before a raid starts?: before a raid i normaly fully repair buy my buff food and flasks so i can last a whole night

    Others: well a little about my self as you probs noticed by now im pretty addicted to the game and put in alot of time reading bis fights and watching movies and listeing to the tact's on tankspot/youtube ect

    -Addons: got a few different addons but i think the most important addons is deadly bossmods and Omen so i can watch my aggro and getting notifications for the encounter.
    -Former guilds and why you left?: aman shan re on stormrage alliance side left for higher progression then i joined carpe cerevisi on stormrage aswell where we cleared anything else then KJ during tbc into wotlk the core of carpe decided to turn horde and make the guild resurrection wich i was a part of untill i moved out and couldent handle the raid times anymore.
    -What can you bring into the guild socially?: i like to think that im a pretty fun guy and i like to chat with the guild members of the guild im in. im never in a negativ mod when im playing wow so i can allways bring in a funneh sentence or 2 when its all messed up
    -Whats your weakness?: think my weakness is my autisme all tho it can also be a strength for faster learning but peple do judge so it can be a weakness
    -Alts: got a few alts around the servers but only really playing on ravenholdt now all tho now and then im logging around and saying hellow to old friends
    -Tell a good joke (lets see what you think is funny): buehhh this would req me of useing my brian to remember one wich im not much into these days unless im raiding<3
    -PC eguipment?: playing in a decent laptop atm can run evrything smoothly without lag on a high grafix quallity

    mage app kazukaya Empty Re: mage app kazukaya

    Post  heiwire Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:33 am

    here is the link to the photo of my interface
    som guy

    mage app kazukaya Empty look i can post pictures

    Post  som guy Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:36 am

    mage app kazukaya 350_noimage

    mage app kazukaya Empty Re: mage app kazukaya

    Post  heiwire Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:37 am

    okay this is wierd hope john will look into it as it wont post my link to photobucket

    mage app kazukaya Empty Re: mage app kazukaya

    Post  Heiwire Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:47 am

    mage app kazukaya ?action=view&current=KazukayaUI

    thx john this should work now
    thx for the thread of how it works

    mage app kazukaya Empty Re: mage app kazukaya

    Post  heiwre Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:52 am

    mage app kazukaya KazukayaUI

    this will be my last try otherwice i'll send you a link some where else

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    mage app kazukaya Empty Re: mage app kazukaya

    Post  Luminosity Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:09 am

    3 things =)

    1. on which char do you have cata progression ? how come you stopped playing that char?

    2. you need a joke.

    3. screenshot so small. please explain me your keybinds =)

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    mage app kazukaya Empty Re: mage app kazukaya

    Post  Luminosity Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:13 am

    oh and herbing will have to be changed eventually

    mage app kazukaya Empty Re: mage app kazukaya

    Post  Heiwire Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:48 am

    1. on which char do you have cata progression ? how come you stopped playing that char?
    i got the progress on my undead priest called kazukaya on stormrage i had the priest wich i would rather have played and was geared for raids tho you and tia pointed out that you needed a mage thats why im playing the mage now

    2. you need a joke. Two Tauren are standing in a padaock. One Tauren says "moo." The other snaps, "Bastard! I was gonna say that!"

    3. screenshot so small. please explain me your keybinds =)

    my keybind is scorch 1 living bomb 2 fireball 3 easy to hit then i got my spellsteal and interupt on 4/5 and my cd's ect on shift E and shift Q and instant casts on shift D and shift A and ofc my pyroblast on F as i need it close hand when it procs

    Herbing is getting changed once i got my priest up wich got my upcomming herb skill i just like to have it so i can craft my own flasks and pots
    .com/albums/ee452/Kazukaya/KazukayaUI-1.png i made a space between photobucket and .com just remove it this should be the direct link to the website if it makes it any better

    mage app kazukaya Empty Re: mage app kazukaya

    Post  heiwire Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:55 am

    mage app kazukaya KazukayaUI-2

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    mage app kazukaya Empty Re: mage app kazukaya

    Post  Luminosity Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:51 am

    accepted =)

    But we do need a priest as our disc healer decieded to quit aparently.

    so we got room for disc or shadow. ?


    mage app kazukaya Empty Re: mage app kazukaya

    Post  heiwire Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:57 am

    my priest is shadow havent healed for ages but a mage seems like a better dps class and more viable for movement fights and kiteing ect wich will be needed so lets just stay with my mage tbh =)<3

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    mage app kazukaya Empty Re: mage app kazukaya

    Post  Luminosity Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:14 pm

    aye mage is a better dps. welcome on board

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