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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    Holydin that is eager..(fill in the rest)


    Holydin that is eager..(fill in the rest) Empty Holydin that is eager..(fill in the rest)

    Post  Calstear Mon May 16, 2011 9:15 am


    -Name: Wim X
    -Country: Holland
    -Age: 19
    -Education and current activity: Economics/normal middle school. I'm now in the military on a base during the week, weekend at home.
    -Sparetime: Tuesdays and Thursdays
    -GF? If yes, does she accept WoW?: No

    In game:

    Name: Calstear
    -Talent; mainspec/offspec: Holydin 34/5/2 / Offspec ret, really dislike playing ret.
    -./played: 16 Days 7 hours
    -Are you fully gemmed and enchanted? Yes
    -Professions: -
    -Screenshot of your interface: Will post later if you want it, skipped the topic how to place images :>

    -PvE progression for Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, and Cataclysm: No vanilla, played TBC exactly 2 weeks to reach level 55 and make a DK and play WotLK. Started playing this char again in end-game WotLK, did 11/12 there, and like 10/12 HC, downed all on main there, but not as an healer. I know 12/12 Cata tactics, and did like 9/12 (healing-wise, helps to have a tank and healer to know both end tactics. :>)
    -PvP xp?: As paladin, just some BG's.
    -Ventrilo?: Yep.
    -Acitvity: Can you attend 4 days a week, sunday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday 18.55 to 23.00? If not, how often can you attend than? Like said; I can attend Tuesdays and Wednesdays, told about it in-game, got the advise to post the apply, knowing there will not always be a spot for me.
    -Priority; How high do you priority the raids in WoW over things IRL?: I have no life during the week.
    -What do you do before a raid starts?: Prepare, eat irl, work out, get flasks/buff food/repair.


    -Addons: I use Atlasloot, Dominos, Prat, Titan Panel and recount for healing meters, stepped down using DBM, since it causes alot of problems after 4.1 patch, and WoW's own interface now kinda does the same.. :>
    -Former guilds and why you left?: I've been guildless on this character other then my DK guilds.
    -What can you bring into the guild socially?: Usually, in a guild, some like my personality, some hate it. I can't really say what it would be.
    -Whats your weakness?: (Thought about this for 10 minutes) My personality, can be a dick sometimes, but I'm most of the time a happy person.
    -Alts: Ealstear (DK), Yush(Hunter). Ealstear is level 85, Yush 76.
    -Tell a good joke (lets see what you think is funny): ''She's more woman all of you guys can handle.. Yep, she's that fat. OMIGAWD D00D!
    -PC eguipment?: HP Laptop 4 GB ram, 1 GB video, 2 GHZ, I3 and DirectX11, and no more tells the lil stickers on my laptop.

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Holydin that is eager..(fill in the rest) Empty Re: Holydin that is eager..(fill in the rest)

    Post  Luminosity Mon May 16, 2011 9:30 am


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