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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    Application for raids.


    Application for raids.  Empty Application for raids.

    Post  Agnar Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:45 am


    RL name is Mihaly (equivalent of Michael in english) Im 33 years old, live in Romania. RL job graphic designer.

    My characters that are in the guild are Hatered (lev 80 holy pala) and Agnar (lev 80 MM hunter)


    Ive started playing this character since vanilla, 4-5 years...dont really remember anymore. was on Ally side, spent time in several guilds..I was in RR INC for several months, I left the guild because I got in argument with one of the officers so I left... he was kicked a few weeks after that btw...but the nicest experience was in Exploding Sheep Inc..unfortunately, I had to leave when I switched sides to Horde. Slowly, I moved all my characters (10, one of each class...6 lev 80's rest 70+) to horde and play only horde ever since.

    With my pally, I play holy most of the time... I have retri OS, but I never had good enough gear to put out competitive DPS, so I stick to what I do best Smile Healing.
    I think my gear is good...I went beyond the 6k gs landmark...but I chose tier set over GS, so now i have set of 4 tier10, for the bonuses, and the gs...well, 5,9k.
    Link to my armory is here:
    Its not the best gear...but its decent. Given a good team, and knowing tactics , I think its enough to face the music (LK) hint - hint Smile

    As for professions, I have enchanting / blacksmithing, both maxed out...I have all possible enchants from Dala, I only miss some rare TBC and WOTLK drops from dungeons. Blacksmithng... I Have many epic plans, including from ICC.

    Have maxed out cooking (yep... I can make those tasty fish feasts) and working on maxing out fishing...Im very close to 450.


    I didnt play much with my hunter, because I wasnt really attracted to the hunters playing style. But slowly I improved my gear, and I got amazed by the massive amount of DPS that a MM hunter can put out (compared to my pally) So I started playing my hunter again...

    Not much to say here. I think I have decent gear, a good spec, and correct gemming. But of course, Im always open to suggestions, if they make sense.
    Link to armory is here:

    Now about raiding...
    Id like to raiding with the fine gents of FoN (Flame of Neltharion duh!) but I have to state from the very beginning, that I am not a hardcore raider. I can raid once or twice a week, but on the bright side... I will never sign up to a raid that I know I cant attend to. So I will only sign up when I know i can commit.

    I try helping the raid with my characters of course, and then bringing feasts (pally), and make sure Im well stacked with mana pots / reagents, etc. Although Im interested in gearing my characters, now and in the future, Im not a loot I wont be making drama over loot.

    I think that's pretty much it. For any questions, feel free to post here, or ask ingame.

    Hatered / Agnar / Michael

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Application for raids.  Empty Re: Application for raids.

    Post  Luminosity Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:51 pm

    Some nice words but please use the application form Smile

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