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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    App (topictooshortsoiputthistextinbrackets)


    App (topictooshortsoiputthistextinbrackets) Empty App (topictooshortsoiputthistextinbrackets)

    Post  Tender Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:15 pm


    Name: Need to know-basis
    Country: Finland
    Age: 19
    Education and current activity: Finishing school, more active than most
    Sparetime: A lot.
    GF? If yes, does she accept WoW?: No

    In game:

    Name: Tenderloin
    Talent; mainspec/offspec: Prot Warrior/Arms Warrior
    ./played: 7D 22H
    Armory link: Will post once its up

    PvE progression: Not too much. I've done a few random raids here and there, first raid ever was ZG back in the day
    PvP xp?: Loads.
    Ventrilo?: Yes
    Acitvity: Can you attend 4 days a week, monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday 18.55 to 23.00? Yes

    What do you do before a raid starts?: Get potions and get my gear fixed.

    Others: No

    Alts: Meesh(lvl 80 druid)
    Tell a good joke (lets see what you think is funny): Dont have any jokes.
    PC eguipment?: 2.8ghz i7, Nvidia GTX470, 4gb RAM

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    App (topictooshortsoiputthistextinbrackets) Empty Re: App (topictooshortsoiputthistextinbrackets)

    Post  Luminosity Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:54 pm

    First of all, I cant have a raider that cant give me his first name =P That kind of shyness or whatever it is, is bit childish, as first name is shared by millions across the world.

    Secondly.. you dont even have a joke ???

    Do you intend to put the same effort into raiding as you did into making this application? =P as a tank you need to put alot of effort into the game, more than other classes/sepcs.

    I was on armory, couldent load items, but i saw a 2h weapon + pvp trinket. Please log out in full main spec gear.

    ATM I can accept you as a social in the guild and we can see where things go =) After all you are fairly new on this level, and you most likely wont be able to raid much ICC, so its alot about what will happend in cataclysm, or how fast you can gear up.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:18 am