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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    Rotfist's application


    Rotfist's application Empty Rotfist's application

    Post  Rotfist Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:24 pm

    IRL Information and Player name

    -First name: Linas
    -Age: 16
    -Country: Lithuania
    -Work and education: Unemployed, currently studying at school.

    - Character name: Rotfist

    In game:

    - Write a bit about your game experiences, how long you have played, what you like about the game and what you like to do in your game time: I've played WoW for 2 years now and I really enjoy every bit of the game from PvE to PvP, doing achievments and so. Most of all, in my game time, I like doing achievments and PvP'ing.

    - A bit about yourself as a person: A bit shy, but polite and helpful. And lazy too!

    - What you can bring to this guild: Engineering, smelting and cooking services.

    - Will you attend our events like old content and PvP: Sure if I'll have time and the right mood for it.

    - Will you allways act maturely, politely and friendly regardless of you how other players are trying to be assholes, and just ignore them: I can't say more, than that I'll do my best, but I really doubt this could be a problem, knowing that I rarely get into fights.

    - Will you allways make sure to represent our guild well, by not capsing, spamming or ninjaing ect? Of course, I will.


    - How many chars do you have and what level? 5. Level 80 orc warrior, level 74 gnome mage, level 64 dwarf hunter level 32 human priest and a level 14 worgen hunter.

    - Are you able to use the internet rather than asking stupid questions in guild chat? I am and I prefer doing some research myself, before asking questions.

    - Will you accept to never ask for gold in guild? I will.

    - Please write a short story about your character, making an RP story about some adventure, or such. This story has to include some lore/lore event that once happend. Fx War of the Acients or Opening of the Dark Portal. (Minimum half a page, this is to both to show that you are familiar with the game, but also an English test).

    "The dwarf was about to call the guards of the nearby village, but the undead smacked him upon the head with his mace. He fell on the ground, face down and unconscious. Both the orc and the undead started to run without saying a word to each other. They didn‘t know where they were running, but they knew who are they running from.
    When the sun went down and they got far enough from the village they stopped in the woods to take a break. The orc took off his mask, put his blade near a tree and sat down. He got up, and started picking up wood. Meanwhile the undead was just standing there and watching the orc. After a minute or two he asked him:
    - What are you doing?
    - What does it look like I‘m doing, undead? I‘m making a camp for the night.
    - A camp?.. You‘re aware that you killed 2 humans, right? They are probably looking for us as we speak.
    - Well, undead, do you have any better ideas?
    - As a matter of fact, I do. We need to keep moving?
    - Moving... Where?
    - Away from here, obviously.
    The orc stood up, picked up his things, let a long, drawn-out sigh and said:
    - From all the races of Azeroth, it just had to be an undead... Well what are you waiting for? Lead the way!
    They travelled the whole night when finally they reached their destination: the Grom’Gol Outpost. And there was where their path ended. The orc took the zeppelin to Durotar and the undead took the one going to Tirisfal. But a strange feeling was bothering them both. A feeling, that they might meet again..."

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Rotfist's application Empty Re: Rotfist's application

    Post  Luminosity Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:46 am

    All good apart from the story!
    The story tells very little about you, I mean its not even clear if your the orc or the undead =P Its also extremely short, and does not involve any lore =)

    Youll need a better story! Heres a bit about how undeads came to the world =) I take it as you are one cus of the name =)

    Wowwiki is also a good place to read, but seems to have some web problems atm.

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Rotfist's application Empty Re: Rotfist's application

    Post  Luminosity Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:12 am

    Btw feel free to /w me for an invite =)

    Rotfist's application Empty Re: Rotfist's application

    Post  Rotfist Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:16 am

    After finishing his drink, the orc put down his tankard on the bar table and leaned back on the chair to relax. He looked different to the barkeep from the other orcs, who occasionaly visit the tavern along with the other races of Azeroth. He stared at him for a minute. The orc was tall, well built, scarred, but despite his appearance, he looked old to him. He saw that the orc was carrying a burden.
    Hours passed, the sun went down, most of the customers were already gone. The barkeep was cleaning up and silently keeping an eye on the orc who was still sitting here. It was strange to him, why would the orc waste his time here. He assumed he has nowhere to go back. He approached the orc and asked him if he could join him for a drink or two. The orc nodded. The barkeep filled two tankards with ale, put them on the table and took a chair from a nearby table to sit. A few minutes passed, but neither of them had spoken yet.
    As the barkeep finished his drink, he asked the orc: "I couldn't help to notice you earlier today. It's not the first time I see you here, but I've never seen you here with company. A loner, I assume?", he said.
    The orc didn't answer. A few more moments passed and then the barkeep asked the orc again: "So, what troubles you in theese times, fellow? You know, travellers and adventures come and go past this town. Some of them stay here for a few days, some of them don't. Often they come here and tell tales to the folks of this town about their adventures or battles they've fought. I noticed your scars. I assume you're no common citizien, coming here after a hard day in the farm? You're or were a warrior if I'm not mistaken," said the barkeep and looked upon the orc.
    "Correct," the orc answered, "I am a warrior, and my scars are from my battles. I've fought many battles, but most of them braught me no honor."
    "Why's that?" the barkeep asked.
    "Long ago I wasn't, who I am now. People, like you, wouldn't comfront me back then, just for a talk. Back then I fought who I fight alongside now. I fought alongside with who I fight against now," the orc said, "I served the Lich King in the Third War, when Lordaeron fell. I marched the lands of Eastern Kingdoms under the Lich King's banner and slew people whom I serve with now. I've marched to the Sunwell with the scourge and many others like me. A lot of people were killed, towns burned and souls perished. This is a huge burden on my conscience I have to live with today. To try and right the wrongs of my past, nevertheless of my state of mind. The Lich King's will or not, many lives were taken by my hands."
    "But you were freed from the Lich King's control, along with many others," the barkeep said, "And your "kind" helped in the campaign against the Lich King in Northrend a few years ago. Shouldn't that count as something to you?" the barkeep continued to question the orc.
    "You think, that killing mindless undead can be compared with taking lives of innocent people?", the orc raised his voice a bit.
    The barkeep didn't answer him. He tried to understand, how can a person live with such a burden. He finished his second drink and sat there for another few minutes with the orc in silence before standing up from the table and walking away.

    Here's a longer story which should tell more about my character. I hope it'll prove good enough!

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Rotfist's application Empty Re: Rotfist's application

    Post  Luminosity Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:15 pm


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