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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    Vitamins DK tank raid application.


    Vitamins DK tank raid application. Empty Vitamins DK tank raid application.

    Post  Vitamins Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:05 am

    -Name: Jamie
    -Country: England
    -Age: 20
    -Education and current activity: University student, on break until September.
    -Sparetime: Looking for work whilst im home over summer but will have evenings either way.
    -GF? If yes, does she accept WoW?: Nope, FOREVER ALONE.

    In game:

    Name: Vitamins
    -Talent; mainspec/offspec: Blood tank/Frost or unholy pvp.
    -./played: 28 days 2 hours.
    -Are you fully gemmed and enchanted? Yes.
    -Professions: Mining/JC
    -Screenshot of your interface:

    -PvE progression for Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, and Cataclysm: Joined in TBC, kara/gruul downed as hunter. WOTLK all content except for yoggy and last two bosses in ICC downed on rogue/dk/warlock/shaman.
    -PvP xp?: I think around 1500 rating playing arena for points with some mates. Would like to do more rated BGs etc, used to lave dueling on my deathknight but could never find partners I felt comfortable with playing with.
    -Ventrilo?: Have vent skype and TS.
    -Acitvity: Can you attend 4 days a week, sunday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday 18.55 to 23.00? If not, how often can you attend than? As long as I know in advance there's a raid ill be needed for ill be able to come.
    -Priority; How high do you priority the raids in WoW over things IRL?: Well that depends, it gets priority over most stuff but im not going to abandon any family events for it. Ive never had a problem balancing the two before.
    -What do you do before a raid starts?: Large mug of drink and snacks irl, pots/flasks, stare at the guild roster and hope everyone shows up.


    -Addons: Bartender, recount, omen, chatter, sexymap and tidyplates.
    -Former guilds and why you left?: Rainbow explorers in WOTLK, the guild disappeared after I took a break for college. Since then I was briefly in Telvarre Noeri but was removed for inactivity when I had ISP issues.
    -What can you bring into the guild socially?: Humour, quite sociable, will talk about anything really.
    -Whats your weakness?: I like to think im well rounded enough that nothing stands out as a falling point.
    -Alts: Tehanuu, Bisquits, Renoounced, Moira, Tehanari.
    -Tell a good joke (lets see what you think is funny): "I went to a fancy dress party dressed as a loaf of bread. Best plan ever, the birds were all over me."
    -PC equipment?: 4gig ram, 2.6ghz processor. Nvidia Gforce 7950GT gfx card. 21" monitor, mid quality headset and surround speakers with awesome bass.

    Vitamins DK tank raid application. Empty Re: Vitamins DK tank raid application.

    Post  Vitamins Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:06 am

    The screenshot I posted seems to have fallen into oblivion.

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Vitamins DK tank raid application. Empty Re: Vitamins DK tank raid application.

    Post  Luminosity Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:37 am

    app looks nice.

    a few questions.

    can you post a link to where i can view the screenshot than?

    do you often have internet/isp issues?

    as a tank we would need you to raid every week in every raid, except if you have important events or family stuff. how do you feel with that? we raid sun. tue. wen thur.

    Vitamins DK tank raid application. Empty Re: Vitamins DK tank raid application.

    Post  Vitamins Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:10 am

    Everytime I post the link it fell off, ill try breaking it up /i/ wowscrnshot041011125239.jpg/

    The isp issue was when I moved onto my university campus and their internet was hyper aggresive, I no longer live there and will be in privtae accomodation from now on so I wont be having that porblem again. As previously mentioned as long as I know im needed beforehand it shouldnt be a problem at all for me to get to raids.

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Vitamins DK tank raid application. Empty Re: Vitamins DK tank raid application.

    Post  Luminosity Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:27 pm

    screen shot is ok. a few things =)

    1. you need deadly boss mod addon

    2. you have to get a better helm enchant, not to join, but eventually,

    3. neck aint reforged (expertise sux for dk as it does for all tanks no?)

    4. you reforged parry instead of hit on helm. hit sux m8 Wink

    5. not reforged shuolder hit. bad gem

    6. chest enchant missing.

    7. no enchant bracers and you reforged wrong.

    8. no reforge weapon.

    9. no reforge relic. (green item?)

    10: wrong glove enchant.

    11. leg has bad gem

    12: boots has bad gem.

    13. how come no glyph of deathstrike?

    14. glyph of boneshield is not that usefull as usually when u use it, you wont be running. why not ghylp of rune weap?

    14. no bloodtap gylph in minor ?

    15. endless winter sux. rather go for abominations might =)

    now im no expert on dks. but if im not all off what i stated above is correct. i wonder if you dont know what stats to gem/reforge for. how much are you than able to play your class?
    expertise n hit is useless.

    now dont worry your far from the first tank who went wrong there. try fix the things =)

    Vitamins DK tank raid application. Empty Re: Vitamins DK tank raid application.

    Post  Vitamins Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:52 pm

    1. you need deadly boss mod addon
    Forgot to mention I have this, hidden by sexymap and didnt pop into my head. My bad.

    2. you have to get a better helm enchant, not to join, but eventually,
    Didnt even notice the helm enchant, I can grab that once im online I think.

    3. neck aint reforged (expertise sux for dk as it does for all tanks no?)
    I like to be as close to the expertise cap as possible. Missing strikes drops my threat, and missing a deathstrike also lowers my survivability and can cause me to miss windows when I could add most to my blood shield.

    4. you reforged parry instead of hit on helm. hit sux m8 Wink
    As mentioned prior I like to hover at least near the hit cap. Missing strikes is a major irritant.

    5. not reforged shuolder hit. bad gem
    Maybe I need to read up again but I really dont understand this crusade aginst hit/expertise.

    6. chest enchant missing.
    One or two heroics away from 346 JP chest, which wil be gemmed/enchanted fully.

    7. no enchant bracers and you reforged wrong.
    My bad on the enchant at least.

    8. no reforge weapon.
    See 5.

    9. no reforge relic. (green item?)
    Im having some trouble convincing Slabhide to drop the only reputable relic above 318ilevel.

    10: wrong glove enchant.
    See 5.

    11. leg has bad gem
    It appears I fail at checking allready enchanted/gemmed items once more. ¬_¬

    12: boots has bad gem.
    It meets the socket and improves my threat and survivability.

    13. how come no glyph of deathstrike?
    Because RP gets dumped so damn quickly it never gets high enough to make the glyph worthwhile.

    14. glyph of boneshield is not that usefull as usually when u use it, you wont be running. why not ghylp of rune weap?
    The bonus movement speed every 1 minute allows me to dodge aoe, get around targets better, and gives me a better bang for my rune to refresh it, remember that the spell is refreshed even if im not directly tanking a boss, during dodge or addburn phases etc. The rune weapon glyph is ok but I fear if my threat is low enough to warrant adding threat to a survivability cooldown then im doing something wrong. Maybe its opinion between the two but I would say the bone shield glyph is superior.

    14. no bloodtap gylph in minor ?
    The damage taken is nothing compared to my overall health pool. My current minors allow for boosted LB healing, increased leeway on horn uses and stops me failing on carrying a reagent for a ghoul drop.

    15. endless winter sux. rather go for abominations might =)
    As mentioned regarding the deathstrike glyph, RP is dumped incredibly fast, id rather have a free and thus reliable interrupt for when I need it, rather than face down some fast casting boss spell with 10rp left and not enough GCDs to get the MF off. Aboms might is nice but doesnt help my survivability other than the strength and slight blood shield increase. The raid buff is also provided by so many classes and specs now I personally cant see it being essential in the tanking build.

    Longwinded in places I know, but I do like to defend myself where I feel i've been called up wrongly. I admit I did fail on a few enchants and gems for certain.

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Vitamins DK tank raid application. Empty Re: Vitamins DK tank raid application.

    Post  Luminosity Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:32 pm

    missing hits is just a part of tanking now =) you need so much hit/exper to reach any reasonable cap that you might aswell just forget it.
    and rather go for survival stats.
    You shuoldent have problems with aggro at all, even tho you miss those 2 stats.

    I know for dks its very important cus of mastery. and i suggest you read up if theres any certain amount of exper or so a dk need. but all the dk tanks ive seen forged ect away from it.

    gems shuold be 60 sta. mastery sta and parry sta. no other stats. hence why i commented on them.

    and you wont miss that many hits as you may think, youll ofc have anoying times sure, with 4-5 missis/parries in a row. but usually the stuff kicks in =)

    13: only if you play wrong =P i got a dk tank myself. i usually let RP build up to 100. than pop DS. than drop it to 70-80 with runestrike. build it up to 100 with hearthstrike. use ds. and drop it to 70-80 again. only a mattre of control of your rp(so that you build it up for DS and drop it after while runes are on CD, but just so much its on 100 for next DS). and cus i never go below 70-80 i allways have enough for a interupt. you will need a respec for sure. we have 13 bosses. and only 2 of all those require interupting. so its a kinda wasted talent =) rather smack the stuff into unholy than. (abominations might dont stack with kings and bom?)

    about relic slabhide is anoying! but you can get one from honor or vp.

    good argument for boneshield. but i suggest u change gylph for invidual encounters. and have rune weapon on a few encounters like chogall and halfus.

    and i like that you can speak up =) thats good =)

    if you fix talents, reforge, and gems, and get the DS glpyh you can consider yourself accepted =)

    edit: I can cut all the gems you need btw if you bring uncut versions. its demons eye for red. dream emerald for eyllow. and ocean for blue (green, purple, and blue)

    edit 2: we have a alt/casual run today 11/4 at 18.55 server time to 23.00. if you have done these things before that, it would be a great chance for us to check you a bit out in the alt run =)

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Vitamins DK tank raid application. Empty Re: Vitamins DK tank raid application.

    Post  Luminosity Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:04 am

    oh and you will eventually have to drop mining as we dont accept gather professions =)

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