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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    Application for raiding. Name: Nuked, ((Currently BM, Hunter))


    Application for raiding. Name: Nuked, ((Currently BM, Hunter)) Empty Application for raiding. Name: Nuked, ((Currently BM, Hunter))

    Post  spratty8 Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:23 am


    Name: Jack Newman
    Country: England
    Age: 20
    Education and current activity: Full Education completed, now working as a close protection officer but not on a shift basis.
    Sparetime: I have lots of spare time for wow
    GF? If yes, does she accept WoW?: No GF atm, Looking for a rich one, but until then nothing is getting in my way.

    In game:

    Name: Nuked
    Talent; mainspec/offspec: Im currently BM, but subject to change, just depends where im able to find the greatest DPS and at what time.
    ./played: 100+days
    Armory link:

    PvE progression: ICC geared, but not cleared. Part progession.
    PvP xp?: "Battlemaster"
    Ventrilo?: yeas, currently linked to the guild vent system.
    Acitvity: Can you attend 4 days a week, monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday 18.55 to 23.00? Pretty certain that is not a problem most of the time. But i know well in advanced if I will be working.

    What do you do before a raid starts?: Prepare. Daily's. get a coffee.

    Alts: none in guild or to take note of.
    Tell a good joke (lets see what you think is funny): Two hunters are in the woods, when one of them suddenly collapses. He wasn't breathing, and his eyes looked glazed. Thinking quickly, the other guy grabs his cell phone and calls for help.

    He shouts at the emergency operator, "My friend is dead! What do I do!?"

    "Calm down", the operator says, "I can help you. But first, we need to make sure he's dead."

    The phone goes silent, for a second. Then the operator hears a gunshot.

    "Ok", says the hunter, "now what?"

    PC eguipment?: Standard. New gear coming december 25th Smile.

    Cheers guys

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Application for raiding. Name: Nuked, ((Currently BM, Hunter)) Empty Re: Application for raiding. Name: Nuked, ((Currently BM, Hunter))

    Post  Luminosity Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:55 am


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