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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    Szychq - Holy Pal


    Szychq - Holy Pal Empty Szychq - Holy Pal

    Post  Szychq Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:33 am

    IRL Information and Player name

    -First name: Szymon
    -Age: 18
    -Country: Poland
    -Work and education: Im in high school

    - Character name:

    In game: Szychq

    - Write a bit about your game exsperiences, how long you have played, what you like about the game and what you like to do in your game time: I've played WoW for 6months(earlier privs). I like PVP and PVE, everything

    - A bit about yourself as a person: Normal, cool guy from Poland Smile

    - What you can bring to this guild: New friend and When i ding 349iLVL healer on raids.

    - Will you attend our events like old content and PvP?: Sure, love pvp.

    - Will you allways act maturely, politely and friendly regardless of you how other players are trying to be assholes, and just ignore them?: When someone is really asshole i just ignore him, that best option, imo

    - Will you allways make sure to represent our guild well, by not capsing, spamming or ninjaing ect?
    I will


    - How many chars do you have and what level?
    Pal - 85
    Priest - 41
    and new full heirloom Rogue - 14

    - Are you able to use the internet rather than asking stupid questions in guild chat?
    Sure, always do.

    - Will you accept to never ask for gold in guild?
    Sure, i was here 2months, and never ask.

    - Please write a short story about your character, making an RP story about some adventure, or such. This story has to include some lore/lore event that once happend. Fx War of the Acients or Opening of the Dark Portal. (Minimum half a page, this is to both to show that you are familiar with the game, but also an English test).

    I'm Holy Cow from Thunder Bluff. Taurens are calm, but im not normal Tauren. I'm hyperactive. I love 2 nuke a lot of ally and drink a lot of alcohol. I have created every insult in Taur-ahe...omg i dont know how 2 create some story ;D

    Szychq - Holy Pal Empty Re: Szychq - Holy Pal

    Post  Szychq Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:43 am

    Pls delete my application, i change my mind.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:14 am