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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    Joining the guild


    Joining the guild Empty Joining the guild

    Post  Cerventi Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:11 am


    Name: Steve
    Country: UK
    Age: 23
    Education and current activity: workin Full time
    Sparetime: on wow or hanging out with friends
    GF? If yes, does she accept WoW?: no gf atm

    In game:

    Talent; mainspec/offspec: dk Dps main tank OS
    Armory link

    PvE progression: cleared icc 11/12 on Druid 6/12 on 25 clear all instances before icc in wotlk. not done ruby sanctum. icc 10 hc 5/12
    PvP xp?: 1850 on druid in 70 days around 1600 on dk
    Ventrilo?: yes
    Acitvity: Can you attend 4 days a week, monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday 18.55 to 23.00? yes as long work fone make me work late haha

    What do you do before a raid starts?: fully repaired make sure i got serval flasks and food cause its best 2 be prepaired cause that could make the difference


    Alts: 80 orc shaman. 72 belf rogue 70 belf pally 70 orc hunter and 80 ally shaman on jaedenaar
    Tell a good joke (lets see what you think is funny): Alzheimers or Parkinsons Which one would you rather have?
    Pakinsons of course! Better to spill half ur pint than forget where the fuckin pub is. Very Happy
    PC eguipment?: mic and headset for vent

    Thanks for reading my application

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Joining the guild Empty Re: Joining the guild

    Post  Luminosity Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:56 pm

    accepted =)

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:17 am