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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    Zchoco Enhancement shaman


    Zchoco Enhancement shaman Empty Zchoco Enhancement shaman

    Post  Zchoco Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:25 pm

    -Name: Benjamin
    -Country: Sweden
    -Education and current activity: I dont go to school or work i go to therapy
    -GF? If yes, does she accept WoW?:no gf

    In game:

    -Talent; mainspec/offspec:Enhancement /Enhancement pvp
    -Armory link

    -PvE progression for Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, and Cataclysm: i raided BT and sunwell in TBC. i raided all of the raids in wotlk. i have raided baradin hold and Blackwing decent
    -PvP xp?:casual pvper
    -Ventrilo?:i have vent
    -Acitvity: Can you attend 4 days a week, sunday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday 18.55 to 23.00? If not, how often can you attend than? i can attend everyday if my parents doesnt plan anything
    -Priority; How high do you priority the raids in WoW over things IRL?:
    -What do you do before a raid starts?: get flasks and wait outside the raid


    -Former guilds and why you left?: im a social member in Flame of Neltharion
    -What can you bring into the guild socially?: i got jeeves and portable mailbox
    -Whats your weakness?:i suffer from dyxlectia and Schizophrenia
    -Alts:Obbi lvl 70 warrior
    -Tell a good joke (lets see what you think is funny):why does squeerils swim on their backs... to keep their nuts dry
    -PC eguipment?: i dont lagg or get dc

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Zchoco Enhancement shaman Empty Re: Zchoco Enhancement shaman

    Post  Luminosity Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:44 pm

    Zchoco wrote:
    -PvE progression for Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, and Cataclysm: i raided BT and sunwell in TBC. i raided all of the raids in wotlk. i have raided baradin hold and Blackwing decent
    -PvP xp?:casual pvper
    -Ventrilo?:i have vent
    -Acitvity: Can you attend 4 days a week, sunday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday 18.55 to 23.00? If not, how often can you attend than? i can attend everyday if my parents doesnt plan anything
    -Priority; How high do you priority the raids in WoW over things IRL?:
    -What do you do before a raid starts?: get flasks and wait outside the raid


    -Former guilds and why you left?: im a social member in Flame of Neltharion
    -What can you bring into the guild socially?: i got jeeves and portable mailbox
    -Whats your weakness?:i suffer from dyxlectia and Schizophrenia
    -Alts:Obbi lvl 70 warrior
    -Tell a good joke (lets see what you think is funny):why does squeerils swim on their backs... to keep their nuts dry
    -PC eguipment?: i dont lagg or get dc

    In PvE pls specific which bosses, which hardmodes, if HC or not. how far. and wether or not pre nerf.
    Your parents planning dosent say much about your attendence? How often do they plan?
    Theres a unaswered questions.
    Jeeves and mailbox are veyr nice, but not much use socially tho =P
    About weakness, giving me the name of 2 handicaps (Can i call it that? dont know the term) dosent tell me about weakness, only that you have those 2. Theres are in game questions. im tlaking about your char as ap player.
    Lag or not please list pc eguipment

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:17 am