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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

2 posters

    Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership


    Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership Empty Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership

    Post  Haneri Thu May 05, 2011 10:08 am

    Resto Druid (70-80) Aerie Peak
    Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Gruul, SSC, TK, MH, BT
    Naxx, Sarth, Malygos

    Guild collapsed at that time

    Draenei Mage (80-85) Chamber of Aspects
    ICC and RS cleared on 10 normal
    Currently raiding 1 day a week with that guild.

    Haneri (80-85) Ravenholdt
    Never been in a proper guild before with this character. Pugged most raids in Wrath. Got Kingslayer in a pug.

    - A bit about yourself as a person: As I mentioned, I am 25 years old norwegian living in the UK because my fiance is british. I lived and worked in the US for a year in 2006. I enjoy gaming and ofc spending time with my lady Razz

    - What you can bring to this guild: I am a good conversation partner and I dont mind a bit of humour. Charactewise I am an alchemist and can offer free transmutes or flasks making.

    - Will you attend our events like old content and PvP?: I do enjoy the old content a lot, as it brings back memories to the old times when I used to raid those places with my other characters. I am not that l33t in PvP, but I do enjoy it when I do some Smile

    - Will you allways act maturely, politely and friendly regardless of you how other players are trying to be assholes, and just ignore them?: I allways try to resolve an issue in a civelized manner. Although I might sometime take such people on, I will never subcome to their level and start a flame war or trade chat spamming

    - Will you allways make sure to represent our guild well, by not capsing, spamming or ninjaing ect? Orf course. I don't feel like there is anything else to say about it other than what I have allready said Razz


    - How many chars do you have and what level? I am going to need more space... Right...
    85 Draenei Fire Mage (Chamber of Aspects)
    85 Worgen Bear Druid (Chamber of Aspects)
    85 Blood Elf Marksman Hunter (Ravenholdt)
    80 Resto Night Elf Resto Druid (Aerie Peak)
    80 Draenei Prot Paladin (Aerie Peak)
    80 Human Prot Warrior (Aerie Peak)
    80 Dwarf Female Death Knight (Aerie Peak)
    80 Orc Ench Shaman (Moonglade)
    71 Undead Warlock (Moonglade)

    These are my highest level ones. And I got countless more. Basicly, I am making alts whenever I am not raiding or doing anything else Razz

    - Are you able to use the internet rather than asking stupid questions in guild chat? WHERE IZ MAKIRKS WIFE!??!??! No, I got Wowhead as my startingpage on my browser and I allways visit Elitist Jerks if I am looking for methods to increase my preformance in any way or form.

    - Will you accept to never ask for gold in guild? Never have in any guilds and never will. You make your own fortune in life, and that is the philosofi which I go by.

    - Please write a short story about your character, making an RP story about some adventure, or such. This story has to include some lore/lore event that once happend. Fx War of the Acients or Opening of the Dark Portal. (Minimum 1000 letters thats half a a4 page ca, this is to both to show that you are familiar with the game, but also an English test).

    Haneri was rather young in elf terms when Arthas led the Scourge into Quel'Thalas and was forced to grow up very quickly with the destruction of her once eternal lands. She enlisted into the Silvermoon Rangers just a few months before the Dark Portal was reopended and the Blood Elves joined the Horde. She was very proud of her race and did not approve of this pact. She served as a guard of her beloved homelands until Kael'thas returned and launched the assult on the Isle of Quel'Danas. This act of tretchery by her prince which she so admired and had pleged loyalty too left her devestated.

    She was however sent up to the Isle herself as part of her regiment to reinforce the combined forces of the Shattered Sun. Fighting alongside the other members of the Horde helped in increasing her acceptance of the more "uncivelized" races. She also got to befriend a perticular Orc Shaman who's story intrigued her.

    Battered and bruised, Torgar backed towards the cliff wall behind him. He had several open gashes on his body and he could not take much more. The Nagas and their Murloc minions outnumbered him. Torgar clenched his axe. Making himself ready for his final moment of glory. But a second before he was going to take his leap onto his enemies, he could hear squeeling roar behind him, comming from the top of the hill. Above where he was standing, a rather small, but fearless Dragonhawk soared above his head and dived into the Nagas. A rain of arrows also fell down from the above slaying one naga after another with shots that piereced their bodies.
    Torgar looked up. His saviour jumped down to his side. It was a young Female Blood Elf wearing a red chain mail. The colours of the Rangers of Silvermoon. The Orc extended his hand towards the elf. "Don't mentioned it." Said the Blood elf, looking at the enemies she just slew. She turned her head towards the bloodcovered orc. "The name is Haneri Nightfire, of the Royal Silvermoon Rangers, just doing my duty." The orc put up a little smile on his face.
    "I am Torgar. They call me Earthfury."
    Haneri Examined Torgar's wounds. "We need to get you back to the healers back at the Sun's Reach. You won't survive for long like this" The orc left of a short chuckle before his eyes rolled back and he fell over on the ground.

    Torgar opened his eyes again. He was inside a building on a combat issued bed. He judged it as that Haneri had taken his passed out body back to the Shattered Sun base.
    "Ah, you are awake." The familiar voice came from his right. Haneri was sitting there on a chair. With her left leg up on the chair and her bow in her right arm. She looked at the orc.
    "You are heavier than you look you know. I can't say that I managed to drag you back here in a very dignifying way." She let a smile grow on her mouth. The orc repaid the smile in the same manner.
    "Say, you are not a standard Grunt, are you. You barely have any armour. Just these rags. And this axe... I have never seen anything like it before. The design is both ancient but also elegant. This is not a normal issued out handaxe, is it."
    The orc closed his eyes and lowered his head a bit. "No. It is the axe of my ancenstors. It is the only piece of identity I have. I was found somewhere by the Warsong Clan when I was a baby. They refused to tell me where, but I know that I was found with this axe next to me. They accepted me as one of their own because I showed great promise in combat. I can not really say that has been proven today. But I do know that this axe holds the clues to my clan. My family. I have traveled far in my search for answers but so far I feel like I am just as close to my goal as I was when I started."
    Haneri sat in silence. Taking in every word the orc said. "I wish I could help you." She said to him. "But my aligience is here. To secure my homelands. As long as the Burning Legion is on my doorstep, I can't leave my post."
    Torgar thought over the matter for a few momemts. "Well, if it is that what it takes, then it is what I must do. I will join up in the coalition forces in driving the Legion back from the sunwell. Will you join me if we should succseed?"
    They both had a smile on their face. "Deal." They said in unison.

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership Empty Re: Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership

    Post  Luminosity Fri May 06, 2011 5:46 am

    Hello there and nice app=) your missing work/education?

    Besides that apart from spelling Mankrik wrong, I have no futher comments =) If you could please tell me bout either work or education, or a reason for not telling, than consider yourself accepted =) Welcome on board

    Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership Empty Re: Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership

    Post  Haneri Fri May 06, 2011 6:02 am

    Hey ya.

    Sorry for forgetting to post it. I had copied the entire application over to notepad, so incase I lost connection or anything when I would post it, it would not disappear Razz

    Allow me to fill in the rest of the details:

    IRL Information and Player name

    -First name: Morten
    -Age: 25
    -Country: Norway / Living in the UK
    -Work and education: Studying Interactive Media Design

    - Character name: Haneri.

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership Empty Re: Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership

    Post  Luminosity Fri May 06, 2011 7:39 am

    accepted =) see ya when servers work... fu blizz <.< fucking friday and i cant play <.<

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2010-03-18
    Age : 35
    Location : Denmark

    Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership Empty Re: Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership

    Post  Tianta Fri May 06, 2011 12:15 pm

    nice RP story Smile and welcome to the team <3

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    Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership Empty Re: Haneri - 85 Hunter. Applying for Social membership

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