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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    Application form! Social


    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Application form! Social Empty Application form! Social

    Post  Luminosity Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:16 am

    IRL Information and Player name

    -First name:
    -Work and education:

    - Character name:

    In game:

    - Write a bit about your game exsperiences, how long you have played, what you like about the game and what you like to do in your game time:

    - A bit about yourself as a person:

    - What you can bring to this guild:

    - Will you attend our events like old content and PvP?:

    - Will you allways act maturely, politely and friendly regardless of you how other players are trying to be assholes, and just ignore them?:

    - Will you allways make sure to represent our guild well, by not capsing, spamming or ninjaing ect?


    - How many chars do you have and what level?

    - Are you able to use the internet rather than asking stupid questions in guild chat?

    - Will you accept to never ask for gold in guild?

    - Please write a short story about your character, making an RP story about some adventure, or such. This story has to include some lore/lore event that once happend. Fx War of the Acients or Opening of the Dark Portal. (Minimum 1000 letters thats half a a4 page ca, this is to both to show that you are familiar with the game, but also an English test).

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:15 am