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We dont raid, bosses raid us!

    Tauwarho Hunter - Application for Cataclysm!


    Tauwarho Hunter - Application for Cataclysm! Empty Tauwarho Hunter - Application for Cataclysm!

    Post  Tauwarho Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:15 pm



    My name is Patrick


    I live in Hudiksvall - Sweden


    I am 23 years of age, Birthday in July..

    Education and current activity:

    I work as a teacher at a school, aka very flexible hours. And I am a trained one at that aswell to answer the first question Razz


    Computer - World of Warcraft.. I spend time on meeting friends, working out and such aswell.. Alot of sparetime goes on the computer though..

    GF? If yes, does she accept WoW?:

    Indeed yes! And yeah she accept Wow and the raid times.. She wants to try herself actually so shes gonna be joining me on Rh soon!

    In game:



    Talent; mainspec/offspec:

    Right now I am trying out the different 3 specs to learn them all for Cataclysm.. Trying out Bm as we speak.. Which is working really well.. I am active on the Beta server aswell so I am doing alot of testing at 85 to get a headsup on what I should do and such as soon as I ding 85 to maximize myself Smile


    Only got 84 Days and about 20 hours on him, I switched to a Holy Paladin during TBC becouse my guild was in need of one!

    Armory link:

    Seems like Armory is bugged out, atleast here for me.. My gear is far from great at the moment! I am however working on that to be as good geared as possible for the Cata launch to level faster!

    PvE progression:


    ZG: Cleared!
    MC: Cleared! Even got Serverfirst Raggy!
    BWL: Cleared!
    AQ20: Cleared!
    AQ40: Cleared
    Naxx: First bosses in all 4 wings down then TBC hit.. Sadly!

    The Burning Crusade:

    Kara: Cleared!
    TK: Cleared!
    SSC: Cleared!
    Hyjal: Cleared!
    BT: Cleared! Illidan prenerf!
    SWP: Got to Muru and then the guild died!

    Wrath of the Lich King:

    Naxx: Cleared!
    Sarth: 3D Cleared!
    Maly: Cleared!
    Ulduar: Cleared! Apart from Algalon and Yogg +0!
    TotC: Cleared 10 man!
    ICC: Killed the first 4, Festergut, Rotface, Prof. Putri, and Dreamwalker! Really Want to see the rest dead seeing as I know the tacts!

    Some of these are as Hunter, Some as Paladin and some As Rogue.. I only got the hunter left along with an old shaman I never played! The old account got hacked and it was not in my name but a friend of mine so It was impossible to get back, a real story for a bonfire night some day.. I however Authenticator the shit out of this ooold account with my hunter and my Hunter is like the old days MY main <3

    PvP xp?:

    I have plenty of Xp within the pvp area! Want to aim high in Rated Bgs in Cata! And could even start with Arenas again!


    Got it and a mic! And NOT afraid to use it Smile

    Acitvity: Can you attend 4 days a week, monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday 18.55 to 23.00?

    Yes, got a very understanding GF and flexible hours at the school I teach at!

    What do you do before a raid starts?:

    Check that I got food, pots, flask whatever I might need, make sure I know the tacts or as much as you COULD know prefight, and make sure I am AT the raid 5-10 minutes before raidinvites go out..



    Got a Shaman named Patty.. Not important though.. Will server as my Mining/Herb bitch in cata.. About ot max Engineering and JC on the hunter <3

    Tell a good joke (lets see what you think is funny):

    A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?”

    The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard.

    The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?“

    PC eguipment?:

    Dual Core, 4G Ram, Geforce 9800 GT..

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2010-03-16
    Location : Silvermoon

    Tauwarho Hunter - Application for Cataclysm! Empty Re: Tauwarho Hunter - Application for Cataclysm!

    Post  Luminosity Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:23 pm

    Defintly accepted =)

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